

Programmatic Marketing

At Alison South, we are experienced, animated storytellers. We are here to tell your story to as many people as possible. A great way to do that is with an effective programmatic marketing strategy. Wouldn't you love seeing your brand on your favorite YouTube channel or Roku? We can make that happen. We also use display advertising, site retargeting, geofencing, and other targeting tactics to ensure the right people see your message where they're consuming content.

OTT (aka Over-the-Top)

YouTube and services like Tubi, Peacock, and other video streaming apps, are considered OTT channels, or internet-based video channels. When we purchase OTT video, that’s where your ads show up. With OTT, we can choose how and when to air your message to hit target demographics. By using precise targeting, we eliminate wasted runs, instead engaging with viewers more likely to become paying customers.

Display Advertising

You've seen display advertising, even if you didn't know it. Display ads appear on third-party websites and use images, text, and video to get your attention. If you are on your local newspaper’s website and click on a banner ad to a website selling your favorite brand of shoes, you’ve engaged with display advertising. Display advertising can be run through powerful networks like Google or Facebook and can provide excellent audience targeting features.

Site Retargeting

Have you ever been to a website and searched for some products but left without making a purchase? The next thing you know, you're on a different website and see an ad for the product you looked at on the exact page of the first site. That's known as retargeting. Most people who visit your website for the first time will leave without making a purchase. Site retargeting campaigns are an effective way to bring them back.


Geofencing uses real-time location data to deliver your message to people at a specific location. Have you ever been walking into a store and received a notification on your phone about a sale? That’s how it works! You can use geofencing:

  • to drive people to your business from airports or hotels
  • survey customers or send them an offer when they leave your location
  • show your message to customers at your competitors’ locations
  • retarget customers who have visited specific locations with a special offer

Why use programmatic?

Programmatic marketing is efficient, easily targeted, and scalable. Other programmatic advertising benefits include:

  • affordable price
  • wide reach (different exchanges and networks)
  • real-time data
  • targeting opportunities
  • interested audience
  • and much more.
programmatic advertising

Let us tell your story

Your brand has a story to tell, and programmatic marketing is a great way to get it in front of a large audience. Alison South works with you to develop a strategy and place the programmatic ads that best fit your goals. Because we get real-time results, we can change tactics and adjust on the fly to get the most out of your programmatic budget. Does your current marketing do this?