

Performance Based Advertising

Leads are like fish in the ocean. They are there; you know they are there; you must hook them. If you’ve never been fishing, though, it’s an intimidating thought. It's a big ocean, and you're just one person.

Thankfully, Alison South Marketing Group’s digital team are experts in lead generation. We know how to use the proper techniques to find leads in an ocean of people and get them on the hook. Does your current marketing do this? If you want more customers – and who doesn’t! – our lead generation performance based marketing experts are here to help.

lead generation

What exactly is a lead?

Also known as performance based marketing, lead generation uses a variety of advertising strategies to drive quality leads to your business.

We can’t deliver quality leads, however, if we don’t know what you are looking for. To continue the ocean metaphor: some people want tuna; others prefer grouper. In other words, a quality lead for one business isn’t what another business wants. To find out what you need, we meet with you, ask questions, and determine your goals.

Some clients want a form filled out on their website. Some want emails driven from a particular landing page or phone calls to inquire about products or services. What you consider a quality lead is up to you. Basically, a lead is someone interested in your product or service who is ready - or nearly ready – to make a purchase.

How do you get leads?

Performance based marketing is about using the right strategies to get your desired leads. Making cold calls to random people or blanketing specific ZIP codes with direct mail used to be about the only strategy available. Those methods certainly have their place, but lead generation in the digital world offers a lot of options, including:

Display Ads:

Target prospects with certain demographic traits or online habits. This strategy lets you share information with a specific audience most likely to purchase from you.

Search Marketing:

Search engine marketing, also known as pay-per-click, lets you target specific audiences while pushing your website to the top of the search engine results. People who see you first are more likely to click on your site.

Social Advertising:

Advertising through social media is another excellent way to get your brand in front of people already interested in what you have to offer while providing a great ROI.

Leads, leads, everywhere there’s leads!

Working with Alison South’s digital performance based marketing experts is like hiring the best fishing guide to bring in the catch you want. Just going out and randomly casting your net is time-consuming and ineffective. You need leads, and we have the proven lead generation strategies to drive customers to your brand.